Coed Clinics
We are now into the January & February phase of the D ELITE COED College Prep program and WOW! Could not be more proud to see the progress made by all athletes who have attended the first 8 sessions!
Splitting into 2 separate levels turned out to be a very successful system for our experienced coed flyers to progress faster in advanced stunting and newer coed flyers to receive detailed attention to basics!
For January and February D ELITE COED will be offering 4 clinic dates- 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, & 2/11.
On each date we will now be holding 3 sessions based on skill level: Intermediate, Advanced, and ELITE
INTERMEDIATE will run from 1:15-2:15pm
and will focus on:
• Toss technique and development
• Walk-in technique and development
• Body position technique
• Straight up and down stunting
• Once solid, will begin full ups
ADVANCED will run from 2:30-3:00pm
and will focus on:
• Full up technique
• Intermediate transitions
• Cradle dismount technique (full-downs & double downs)
• Elite inverted stunting (front/back handspring ups, rewinds, hand-n-hands)
ELITE is an invite-only session that will run from 3:30-4:30pm
and will focus on:
• Advanced Elite inverted stunts
• Multiple-stunt sequence building
*** ELITE will be a 1:1 Staff-to-Athlete ratio ***
Email Delitecamps@gmail.com for details and registration!
COLLEGE ATHLETES, COACHES, and PARENTS of high school & middle school athletes feel free to reach out directly via message!